Recovering from c section pain can take a while for some moms but for others it can be a very quick, pain free and straight forward process.
Every woman will respond differently to their c section recovery and it is tough to give an exact time and date when you will have fully recovered.
Generally speaking after a few days you should be feeling a lot better in yourself and not experiencing as much pain.
It mostly takes about four to six weeks for a c-section incision to heal fully. You will almost certainly feel some levels of tiredness and discomfort throughout this time.
Give yourself enough time to take it easy and get properly organised. Keep things you might need close to hand. Until your six week check up, don't lift anything heavier than your baby.
Most women feel a tightening or pulling of the scar area for some time afterwards when moving in some ways. Over time this will stop.
You may suffer from ‘baby blues’ when your milk comes in, often about day three. If these feelings don’t pass over the next few days then you should talk to either your midwife or doctor who may plan some counselling or offer details of local support groups you can go to, that have other women with similar issues and concerns as you.
You should regularly monitor your wound and general well being for any complications. Contact your doctor immediately if you see signs of infection such as tummy pains, redness, swelling or any form of discharge.
Postpartum depression may be a concern. If you constantly feel low without any signs of positive changes in moods, it may be worth mentioning this to your doctor.
Don’t bottle up your emotions, it is often helpful to get your emotions out and share them with your loved ones. Most women would prefer things had been different with the birth if it was an emergency section, but you ought to take comfort in the reality that in similar circumstances 100 years ago, neither you nor your baby would probably have survived.
‘The Essential Guide To Exercising After A Caesarean’ is an easy to read manual written for new moms that are recovering from c section pain. You will learn techniques that help to reduce pain, lose weight, boost energy levels, give you more confidence and speed up your recovery times. Click on this link to find out more about how gentle exercise after c section could help you.
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