Friday, 4 September 2009

How To Look After Your C Section Incision, Top Ideas Revealed

Your C section incision scar will usually be protected by a sterile dressing to help protect against infection and you will normally have been given antibiotics.  During the first 24 - 48 hours the hospital staff will encourage you to shower and they will then remove your dressing.  Gently pat dry the area with a clean towel.  If you can, try leave the wound to dry naturally.

A really clever idea to protect the wound on top of the dressing is to place a sanitary pad fixed to your clothing over the area. 

Wearing boxer shorts will stop the elastic from touching the scar area and ought to be much more comfortable than your conventional underwear for the initial few weeks.

As the wound begins to repair you may discover a little spot bleeding, whilst the wound shouldn’t break open, a minute bit of spotting isn’t ordinarily too much of a problem.

During the recovery stages you could very well feel a lump or large ridge under the scar which may also feel numb and taut. These are all usual responses and should all gradually go away in time.

Be very vigilant over your c section incision scar because if it becomes infected, the curing process can take many weeks longer.

Call your doctor without delay if you notice any of the following: -

  • Redness - the edges of a healing incision may be slightly red, this is normal, but call your doctor if the redness is increasing or if it spreads more than half an inch from around the wound.
  • Heat or excessive warmness on or around the wound
  • Any difference or unusual appearance of the incision
  • Any puss or discharge from the incision or if the scar is becoming mildly tender or painful.

If your c section incision pulls apart and starts bleeding, apply an antibiotic cream, to keep any bacteria away from the wound. Applying a little pressure to the wound may help to stop the bleeding. If the wound keeps bleeding after you apply pressure, call your doctor.

It is not recommended that you use antiseptic or pain relieving creams other than an antibiotic cream until your incision has completely healed.

Keep your c section incision clean at all times. Cleanse it by using a slightly soapy wet cloth or sponge (use unperfumed soap), squeezing it on top of your stomach above the wound so that the soapy water runs down over the stitches. Don’t directly rub the incision for the reason that this could disturb the scab that is forming.

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