Friday, 25 September 2009

How To Boost Your Cesarean Recovery

If you've given birth by cesarean, your body will have to be treated with care. Full cesarean recovery may take up to six months, but you ought to be able to start becoming a little more active within a few days.

Simply getting out of bed may feel daunting after the operation. Hospital staff will commonly encourage you to get out of bed within the first 24 hours so that your circulation improves and to get the bladder and bowels functioning again.

Try moving around your room in hospital initially, taking very small steps and having plenty of rest in between. This can be increased as soon as a couple of days to walking around the hospital, be careful not to do too much too quickly, be patient.

Keeping moving at this stage is critical for the reason that it helps to boost blood flow to the wound, which speeds up recovery. Staying active will also prevent the build up of blood clots in the legs, which may potentially be very dangerous.

The key to any cesarean recovery program is to take things gradually. Work to a plan which includes constant but gentle exercise. Starting off easily and increasing the distance you can walk progressively over the following days.

Pushing your baby in a pram provides an superb opportunity to become more active. Holding on to the handle will allow you extra support, removing some of the work off the stomach muscles. The pushchair will also help balance and help you maintain an upright position.

Keep away from walking up hills or inclines when walking with a pushchair until after your six week check up, as this can place too much pressure on the weakened abdominal muscles.

In the early stages of your cesarean recovery you will be given medication to take away the discomfort. You must be aware that any soreness you could feel will be masked so don’t make the error of doing too much, just because you can’t feel any tenderness doesn’t mean it is ok for you to do.

To help in a quick cesarean recovery, it’s important to remain active but also to work within your body’s own comfort zone.  Steer clear of any stretching, twisting, excessive bending or impact movements, for the first six to twelve weeks in order to guard the c section area.

The Essential Guide To Exercising After A Caesarean’ is an easy to read manual written for new moms that are recovering from c section pain. You will learn techniques that help to reduce pain, lose weight, boost energy levels, give you more confidence and speed up your recovery times. Click on this link to find out more about how gentle exercise after c section could help you.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Sex After C Section – Take It Slowly At First

At some time sex after c section section will be a consideration. You will have to be creative and inventive when considering the positions used during sex, to prevent pain, or pressure on the wound area. And your partner needs to know that he may need to stop if you don’t want to continue.

Your incision and area around it may feel uncomfortable to be touched and can stay numb for up to a year after surgery. This is because of nerve stretching and resulting damage from the surgery.

Discussing this and any other problems with your partner is a good idea because he can be warned prior to sex about any issues you have as well as the possibility of you needing to give up due to pain or discomfort.

You both have to understand that it is very usual for you to feel tired. After having just experienced major abdominal surgery both physically and emotionally you will need enough time to heal and recover. Sex after c section will need to be restarted only when you feel fully up to it.

You need to remember that when you are worn-out your sex drive will obviously be low and you should reiterate this to your partner.

Not only have you been through serious surgery physically but also mentally you have had to cope with a lot, these things all affect a woman’s desire for sex.

If you can, negotiate a gentle massage or simply cuddling may be all you can offer in the early stages of your recovery. Be patient, your desire for sex ought to return to normal given time.

If you have gone off sex due to depression then it needs to be be mentioned to your doctor or midwife.  There are many factors why some women suffer depression after a c section such as: -

  • Postnatal depression - a hormonal imbalance
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - more so if the c section was an emergency operation
  • Disappointment - If you wanted to give birth naturally you may be upset about your choices being taken away from you.

One of the quickest ways of improving your self confidence and interest in having sex after c section is by feeling better about yourself. ‘The Essential Guide To Exercising After A Caesarean’ will assist you to do this by safely teaching you the fastest ways of recovering from a c section, so you can begin to feel confident and sexy again. Click here –

Friday, 11 September 2009

Recovering From C Section Pain, How Bad Should It Feel?

Recovering from c section pain can take a while for some moms but for others it can be a very quick, pain free and straight forward process.

Every woman will respond differently to their c section recovery and it is tough to give an exact time and date when you will have fully recovered.

Generally speaking after a few days you should be feeling a lot better in yourself and not experiencing as much pain.

It mostly takes about four to six weeks for a c-section incision to heal fully. You will almost certainly feel some levels of tiredness and discomfort throughout this time.

Give yourself enough time to take it easy and get properly organised. Keep things you might need close to hand. Until your six week check up, don't lift anything heavier than your baby.

Most women feel a tightening or pulling of the scar area for some time afterwards when moving in some ways. Over time this will stop.

You may suffer from ‘baby blues’ when your milk comes in, often about day three. If these feelings don’t pass over the next few days then you should talk to either your midwife or doctor who may plan some counselling or offer details of local support groups you can go to, that have other women with similar issues and concerns as you.

You should regularly monitor your wound and general well being for any complications. Contact your doctor immediately if you see signs of infection such as tummy pains, redness, swelling or any form of discharge.

Postpartum depression may be a concern. If you constantly feel low without any signs of positive changes in moods, it may be worth mentioning this to your doctor.

Don’t bottle up your emotions, it is often helpful to get your emotions out and share them with your loved ones. Most women would prefer things had been different with the birth if it was an emergency section, but you ought to take comfort in the reality that in similar circumstances 100 years ago, neither you nor your baby would probably have survived.

The Essential Guide To Exercising After A Caesarean’ is an easy to read manual written for new moms that are recovering from c section pain. You will learn techniques that help to reduce pain, lose weight, boost energy levels, give you more confidence and speed up your recovery times. Click on this link to find out more about how gentle exercise after c section could help you.

Friday, 4 September 2009

How To Look After Your C Section Incision, Top Ideas Revealed

Your C section incision scar will usually be protected by a sterile dressing to help protect against infection and you will normally have been given antibiotics.  During the first 24 - 48 hours the hospital staff will encourage you to shower and they will then remove your dressing.  Gently pat dry the area with a clean towel.  If you can, try leave the wound to dry naturally.

A really clever idea to protect the wound on top of the dressing is to place a sanitary pad fixed to your clothing over the area. 

Wearing boxer shorts will stop the elastic from touching the scar area and ought to be much more comfortable than your conventional underwear for the initial few weeks.

As the wound begins to repair you may discover a little spot bleeding, whilst the wound shouldn’t break open, a minute bit of spotting isn’t ordinarily too much of a problem.

During the recovery stages you could very well feel a lump or large ridge under the scar which may also feel numb and taut. These are all usual responses and should all gradually go away in time.

Be very vigilant over your c section incision scar because if it becomes infected, the curing process can take many weeks longer.

Call your doctor without delay if you notice any of the following: -

  • Redness - the edges of a healing incision may be slightly red, this is normal, but call your doctor if the redness is increasing or if it spreads more than half an inch from around the wound.
  • Heat or excessive warmness on or around the wound
  • Any difference or unusual appearance of the incision
  • Any puss or discharge from the incision or if the scar is becoming mildly tender or painful.

If your c section incision pulls apart and starts bleeding, apply an antibiotic cream, to keep any bacteria away from the wound. Applying a little pressure to the wound may help to stop the bleeding. If the wound keeps bleeding after you apply pressure, call your doctor.

It is not recommended that you use antiseptic or pain relieving creams other than an antibiotic cream until your incision has completely healed.

Keep your c section incision clean at all times. Cleanse it by using a slightly soapy wet cloth or sponge (use unperfumed soap), squeezing it on top of your stomach above the wound so that the soapy water runs down over the stitches. Don’t directly rub the incision for the reason that this could disturb the scab that is forming.

If your goal is to get back in to good shape after having a c section then you really should check out my great new system - 'The Essential Guide To Exercising After A C Section' will help to avoid the most common c-section complications. It’s a comprehensive program of exercise and recovery designed specifically for new mums to help tone, tighten and firm up the tummy muscles as well as lose weight from all over the body. My system helps to improve recovery as well giving you loads more energy. To find out more and start to feel better about yourself, go here now –