Thursday, 6 August 2009

C Section Side Effects – Knowing What To Expect


Most women will be affected by c section side effects of some kind or another after the operation and you should be aware of the most universal of these so you can act accordingly.

The most frequent problems directly after surgery are: -

Itchy skin

Some women sometimes complain of itchy skin straight after a c section, which is a side effect of the drugs given for the duration of the anaesthetic.


Due to the medication used this can yield feelings of sickness and nausea. These feelings should quickly go away over a day or so.

Back Pain

Occasionally you may be aware of pain in the upper back or between the shoulders which is caused by an air pocket in the abdominal cavity at some stage in surgery. This typically only lasts for between 24 - 48 hours.


Some women suffer from headaches caused by the epidural. If the needle goes in too far this can be quite severe and may last longer than a week if left untreated.
This risk of being affected by this kind of headache is quite low, affecting approximately 1 in 200 women.


You may also start shaking, another side effect of the anaesthetic, not serious and a few extra blankets can help this.

Blood Loss

Abnormal blood loss during and after the operation could lead to the need for a blood transfusion or emergency hysterectomy.

Internal Organs

Injury to the internal organs such as the bladder or intestines which can sometimes be caused during surgery, especially if it was an emergency section.

Uterine or bladder infections

In order to avoid any bladder complications try to urinate every 2-3 hours on the first day.

Blood Clots

Possible blood clotting in the veins of the legs or pelvis. In rare circumstances these can move to the lungs leading to life threatening pulmonary embolisms, try to remain as active as possible. Being sedentary increases these risks.

Keep an eye on your wound and your well being, looking for feelings of new or different pain, extreme lethargy or any of the c section side effects described above. It’s usually much less of an issue to treat problems in their early stages than if they are left to grow to be worse.

‘The Essential Guide To Exercising After A Caesarean’ is an easy to read guide designed for new moms recovering from c section side effects. You will discover techniques that help to minimise pain, lose weight, improve energy levels, give you more confidence and speed up your recovery times.

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